Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Night Night, Tinkerbell.

For a few weeks now, Stella has been asking to wear her ‘flip-flops’. I have had to explain to her that she has outgrown her ‘flip-flops’ since last summer, so she has been begging me to get some. So, yesterday, Glenn took Stella shopping. I don’t know that Glenn has ever taken Stella shopping for anything other than birthday presents or fun stuff (though, ‘fun stuff’ would include shoes, for us girlies). I should also mention that Stella’s favorite color right now is purple. So, you can imagine what a great day Stella had, when she got to walk out of the store wearing these babies:

At nine o’clock last night, Stella wanted to wear one of her favorite things: Her Tinkerbell costume from Halloween. We informed Stella that it was late and time to get into her pajamas. She whined a bit, and showed a little attitude. Finally, I told her to look out the front window and that if it was light outside, she could wear the costume, but if it was dark, it meant it was time for jammies.
Me: “Well, is it light outside or dark outside?”
Stella: “It’s light out there!”
Me: “Are you sure?”
Stella: (whispering rather loudly at the window) “Come on, Mr. Sun, wake up! Come out!”
Me: “What do you see?”
Stella: (rather dejected) “It’s dark, Momma”.
Me: “Would you like to wear your Tinkerbell costume when you wake up in the morning?”
Stella: “Sweeeet!”

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