Stella has always had quite a bit of hair. It used to be black. When it got wet, it looked like a little black 'fro (see much older posts for pics). As she has gotten older, Stella's hair has gotten longer, thicker, and blond. For the longest time (seemingly, anyway), I would decorate her hair with pretty little bows, and cute little hair clips. It added to the glee of having a girl. Right around Stella's first birthday, she discovered that she could remove said decorations at will. Not more little piggy tails. I was very sad. I tried, in vain, for several more months to continue my habit of adorning Stella's noggin with various girly accessories, only to have them pulled out mere moments later. Then, I had to start trimming Stella's bangs. As I could no longer keep them pulled out of the girl's eyes, they needed some maintenance. First, I tried distracting her, as I put the scissors against her little forehead. Then, came another tactic: Glenn would put Stella in a 'sleeper hold' while I quickly ran the scissors across her head. The results were mixed: either they would end up mostly straight (really, this almost never happened), or I performed a pretty bad hack job, hidden only by Stella's windblown look when we rode around with the windows down. Then, came the blessed request from Stella to have her hair put in "piggy tails and clippies". So, for the past couple of months, We have gone back to enjoying some cute little girly hairstyles, not even worrying about the bangs, as they were always pulled back by some colorful little clip. Now, we are back to nothing in the hair. I know, I have tortured you all with this long, rambling of one of many excruciating minutiae of my existence only to announce to you all that Stella finally, actually, sat for a haircut last night. Granted I did have to offer a bribe, but she sat perfectly still, while I did a stellar job with her bangs. Now you can see those gorgeous eyes again!! Yippee!!
This is during:

And this is after:
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