Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy 7th, Love!

First, a little nostalgia:
Remember how tired we were of taking engagement photos, so it became increasingly more difficult to look the part?

Aaawww... back when we looked more innocent:
I think we had these expressions for the first few years we were married:

Wow. Seven lucky years. Seven very blessed years. Seven unpredictable, silly, and very fun years. Seven years of learning. Seven years of wonderful, never forget, unbelievably happy moments of my life. Remember how we used to see who could get home from work first, so we could scare the pants off the other as they walked through the door? I love our spur of the moment road trips, and playing chess in the park. I love our ongoing game of Uno, and how each of us would talk such trash, no matter how bad we were losing. I love whispered conversations at two in the morning, as we lie in bed, even before we had Stella (why did we need to whisper back then?). I love your bed head and scruffy face that always accompany those beautiful sleepy eyes every morning. Thank you, Babe, for always making me feel like the luckiest girl around because I have you to come home to. Thank you for blessing me with the sweetest little girl a mom could ask for, and thank you for making me feel like I can conquer the world and accomplish anything I dream of, knowing you will support me every step of the way.
I love you with every piece of my heart. Xoxxx.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love you baby.....

When Tammy started this blog she urged me to make some posts when ever I feel. writing blogs are not really my thing, but I do have couple that I keep an eye on so that I can keep up with friends. This is going to be a bit of a surprise to Tam. I don't think she knows I keep up with this one very much.
Here we are babe, on the eve of our 7 year anniversary. Never did I think we would still be living on Virginia hills Dr, or going to the same church building that we did when we first made our eternal commitment. But here we are.... a little older, greyer, maybe even a "a bit more to love", but at least one thing remains the same. It's hard at times to see it, but I'm still crazy about you.
You asked me last night as we were walking to the theater to go see a movie, "if you knew then what you know now, would you change anything?" I replied , "yes, I would change something.... I would have tried harder to get you to marry my sooner". I mean that with all my heart. If I knew how much fun you would be to live with, I would have tried harder. If I knew how much happier I would be to wake up every morning to see your face, I would have tried harder. If I knew really just how perfect you are for me, I would have tried harder.
I have many friends who I have kept in touch with most of my life. Friends from all walks of life. Great friends all over the world. All of them are great people, but none of them are as lucky as me. They don't have you.
Thank you so much honey for EVERYTHING you have done for me. Thank you for being my backbone when I seem to have miss placed mine. Thank for being my brain when I can't think straight. Thank you for being the worlds sweetest mommy to our darling little girl. Most of all, thank you for saying, "yes, I'll marry you" on that cold night on top of Treasure Island. I sure love Stella, but YOU really are EVERYTHING to me, and for that I'm am forever grateful.
yours forever,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting a Little Caught Up

Some recent fun times:

Bubble baths
Running through sprinklers
Watermelon and sticky faces
Monsters and Aliens in 3D (those glasses sure are fun)
BART Rides just for the fun of it
Lots of family snuggling in some new bedding
Riding trikes with friends every evening
Roasting marshmallows in the back yard
Scaling cliffs with babes to get to secret bonfires
Creating anArt Wall’ for Stella
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles

And we're all FINALLY better from the bug that had us for almost three weeks. Yay for doctors!