Thursday, April 29, 2010


Stella and I went to visit my family in Utah. We hadn't seen them since last summer, and a visit was long overdue. Thanks to my awesome bro-in-law, we got to fly out for free. Stella was so excited to ride on a plane. It had been a few years since the last time. She did great, and we brought along plenty of stuff to do, as well as some snacks to keep busy. What a champ!
Stella and her Ya-Ya:
The year that Stella was born, I had three other girlfriends who were also expecting. Unfortunately, one of them moved to Utah when Stella was just a couple of weeks old. We had to make sure we saw some of our favorite peeps while we were out there. Stella and Hattie had such a blast together. They took bubble baths, played all things princess, and even swapped nightgowns for the two nights we stayed. Very sweet.
This little monkey (Hattie's sister, Maizy) was my favorite. She reminded me of a bag lady - arms always FULL of toys and blankies. If she wasn't carrying them, she had a little stroller piled high with whatever she could find. I would have stuck her in my pocket and taken her home, if I thought she wouldn't have been missed. Such a cutie!

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