Remember how tired we were of taking engagement photos, so it became increasingly more difficult to look the part?
Aaawww... back when we looked more innocent:
Aaawww... back when we looked more innocent:
I think we had these expressions for the first few years we were married:
Wow. Seven lucky years. Seven very blessed years. Seven unpredictable, silly, and very fun years. Seven years of learning. Seven years of wonderful, never forget, unbelievably happy moments of my life. Remember how we used to see who could get home from work first, so we could scare the pants off the other as they walked through the door? I love our spur of the moment road trips, and playing chess in the park. I love our ongoing game of Uno, and how each of us would talk such trash, no matter how bad we were losing. I love whispered conversations at two in the morning, as we lie in bed, even before we had Stella (why did we need to whisper back then?). I love your bed head and scruffy face that always accompany those beautiful sleepy eyes every morning. Thank you, Babe, for always making me feel like the luckiest girl around because I have you to come home to. Thank you for blessing me with the sweetest little girl a mom could ask for, and thank you for making me feel like I can conquer the world and accomplish anything I dream of, knowing you will support me every step of the way.
I love you with every piece of my heart. Xoxxx.